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How Chakras Play A Role in Your Weight Gain

Chakras Tell Your Life Story and Pain

CHAKRAS are one of the main energy centers for the body. There are 7 major chakras and 22 minor chakras. They take in life force energy from the planet and circulate it throughout your body to your glands, organs, tissues. They are also associated with beliefs, emotions, and spirituality.

Root Chakra Weight Gain

Weight gain in your hips, thighs, and butt are a reflection of energy blocks in your feet and legs. Your life force energy is not circulating properly. Our Root Chakra is associated with family, our roots, our origin of expression, community, survival. acceptance, inner child, ancestry, etc.

Having weight gain in your thighs is the metaphysical manifestation of you being challenged on how you see things, being told that you are not good enough or not doing good enough, always trying to live up to the expectation of others, lack of self confidence, not being accepted, feeling abandoned or alienated, being overly sexual, violations in your youth, generational trauma, just to name a few.

The heavy energy and negative energy from these experiences get stored in our cellular memory in these areas, as well as within the Root Chakra itself. Being clairvoyant, I can tell you that when you look into the chakra, in addition to seeing a spiral of light, you can see the unresolved and unexpressed issues as well. They also play over and over in the physical body, emotional body, and mental body.

Most people don't realize, the body records information. Cellular memory is one way. Epigenetics is another, emotions and chakras are yet another.

When we haven't resolved past issues, our body replays the emotional response over and over, creating a behavior and thought pattern that is now a part of our every day life. Hence, the behavior of eating a certain way, taking care of our body a certain way, our perspective on our health and nutrition, etc. Remember, you can even be reliving your parent's behaviors and traumas. This is what we call "generational curses".

As you can see, healing your Root Chakra issues, can help you re-create your lifestyle, habits, intentions, efforts, etc. and help you lose weight in the process. Email for help with this topic and to book a private healing sessions.


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